Makeup Hoarding Rant (inspired by Sasaki's 'Goodbye, Things')

In my previous project pan post I featured products (pictured below) that I have since then mostly used up (in my February empties), and it made me realise how difficult it is going to be to do a project pan in the first place. I used to like the idea but now it just feels like a race when you're trying to use up your products. I have since used up the Essence 'Stay With Me' lipgloss and the Essano hand cream that I put into an old Colourpop eyeshadow jar. However, you have to keep in mind that these products are tiny! I can't even imagine trying to force myself to use up an entire foundation bottle. This post is a bit of a long one, and maybe controversial to some, however I strongly believe that I own too many makeup products in my collection to suit my lifestyle.

Essence lip gloss & hand cream transferred to a Colourpop
container have since been used up
Now, I do not have the biggest makeup collection out there but I definitely do not have the smallest. However, that isn't my goal. I find it kind of convenient that a lot of makeup products can last for years (such as powders) but I want to emphasise to myself, and others, how unrealistic my collection is to me and how I will never use all the products in time. Don't get me wrong, I love makeup! But I feel as throughout years and years of purchasing makeup and receiving makeup as gifts, I need to assess my collection before it becomes out of hand, as it is not making me happy anymore. I have already previously counted all my makeup items and thrown some out (and sadly the numbers have risen) but I feel as though I can do a lot more; hence the whole idea of project pan.

If you have not heard of project pan before, there are a whole lot of Instagram accounts and YouTube videos that you can check out about the concept, but to put it shortly it is a lifestyle change (or challenge to some) where you select a few products that you want to hit the bottom of the pan of in order to use it to its full potential. I personally think this is a great idea! However, I have seen many people take part in this challenge and struggle; including myself. I have attempted this challenge in the past and miserably failed because I felt pressured to use as much as I could all at once, which eventually led me to buying more makeup and not caring anymore. It doesn't sound that hard to use up some products you have but trust me, if you force yourself to use it on days you don't feel like it... it will not end up well. That is exactly the reason why I am dedicating this journey on my blog to provide moral support to some people.

Again, it may sound stupid, but in reality it is a very emotional process. When I counted all my makeup I could not stop thinking about all the money I had spent, all the time I had dedicated shopping online and in-store and all the times I had asked my friends and family to purchase a beauty related item for me. Essentially, it had taken over my life without me knowing. When I go out I generally would always spend my money, not only on makeup, but on useless items that I probably would not have purchased if I did not go out in the first place (not including food). I am not saying that I have completely changed, I do have a habit of spending money, but I think it is time that I have given myself an intervention to realise that I own a bit too much in my collection.

I have become inspired by Fumio Sasaki's book 'Goodbye, Things'. He documents his minimalist journey and he is easy to relate to as he was an ex-maximalist. The genre of the book actually lies under psychology and self-help which I find is interesting and very true. Personally, when I begun to read this book I really enjoyed it... then I began to hate it. Hate is a strong word, I'd say I started to disagree with a lot of points Sasaki was bringing up. Don't get me wrong I am very amazed how he has managed to get rid of almost every possession he owns, but he also makes a point that he is in his thirties and has no friends and no girlfriend (not to sound harsh or anything but I explain my point further below).

Stay tuned for a full review of Fumio Sasaki's book 'Goodbye, Things'

Now I am a bit of a loner myself, but I just started to think about how a lot of things in my room have a sentimental meaning to me; most of my things are gifts from friends & family as well as souvenirs from around the world. Although these things take up my precious space, I am a really sentimental person and can look at those particular objects and literally physically smile at the memories held within them. I don't know if it is different for girls as we're more emotional creatures, but I am aware of what is needed to be displayed in my room to make me happier. My overflowing makeup collection is not one of them anymore. I think I got too carried away and a lot of it comes down to YouTuber hype.

It is almost inevitable as a girl to follow at least one beauty YouTuber (or as Jenna Marbles has beautifully said a 'beau-tuber') and despite the entertainment value they possess, they create an unhealthy and addictive hype over new beauty products being released into the world. Don't get me wrong, as an artistic person I appreciate the talent that goes into applying makeup, but it is really necessary for us viewers to own 50 eyeshadow palettes?

The harsh reality of becoming too consumed into the world of beauty on YouTube is realising that you've spent most of your hard earned money on makeup you probably hardly ever use. In my 6 month bank statement alone I had spent over $600 on makeup, most of which I still have not opened since purchasing it. You also have to keep in mind that the majority of YouTuber's receive these products for free. Why should we imitate their lifestyles by constantly shelling out our own hard earned money? It's ludicrous if you think about it.

As I've mentioned in a previous blog post, there are many different kinds of minimalists. Because it is a wide concept, there are many different ways to classify a minimalist. Most importantly to mention, it is not a competition or a race at all. Sometimes I prefer things to be a little messy but I definitely have days where I want to clean my space and feel more zen. And I'll admit, I do get a sense of calm when I come home from work or school to a clean and spotless room. And I think that a lot of you may feel the same way too.

Ever since making my blog's theme all around minimalism last year in 2017, I have sadly barely progressed with my efforts. I have since still bought some makeup, I even went on a frenzy ordering from Mecca, M.A.C & Sephora all at the same time blowing somewhere around $500+. And what for? I used to not be able to afford high-end makeup and thought it was stupid to splurge as almost all makeup looks the same when you put it on your face.

Even as I'm writing this right now I have a few tabs open on my laptop that lead me to Sephora and Priceline. It is weird to explain but when I decide to order something online I get a rush of adrenaline. I open millions of tabs searching for what is new in the makeup world, what I've had my eye on for a long time, what a few friends have recommended to me in the past until I've curated the perfect cart that totals to hundreds of dollars.

And why do I keep doing this? I know that I already own well over 10 foundations (most of them are expired too). I know that I'm not a YouTuber, and therefore do not need an excessive amount of makeup. Who is going to know the difference whether I'm wearing a Chanel foundation or an Essence foundation in real life? And although I do sometimes believe that you get what you pay for, most of the time makeup companies mark up the prices so much that it is just not worth it. (Example: Colourpop is so cheap yet high quality).

Please let me know if any of you have the same problem with makeup hoarding like me! I'd love to read your comments so please feel free to say anything, even a "hello" would be nice! Also, stay tuned for some more posts, I know that I've been a bit behind recently but life has really caught up to me after starting uni.

Amanda x


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