About Me
I wanted to include this in my blog because I think it is important for my readers to know who I am and why I have a blog. And if you haven't already, please check out my social media handles! Also, feel free to comment on any of my posts because I am a very social person and would love to keep in touch x
I am born and raised in Melbourne, Australia and have always had a passion for reading and writing. My blog, which I've had for many years, is a way that I can express myself in my free time. As I am writing this, the content I post on my blog runs around the theme of beauty and lifestyle, but naturally I expect this to change in the future. I hope that the more I post, the more I will find my muse.
I started off my blog with random polluting thoughts which then blossomed into a passion of researching beauty products and their ethics in terms of animal testing. I was vegan / vegetarian for a number of years, but have since returned to eating like an omnivore (hence why I don't post about veganism anymore). I could go on and on about why I switched lifestyles, but to keep it clean and short I'm just going to say that my health was deteriorating without a balanced diet.
In recent years, I have been reviewing beauty subscription boxes, which at first seemed like a waste of my own time, but I do find it somewhat relaxing to go through each item I receive each month. I like to write about these boxes because there wasn't much content I could find online myself on subscription boxes in Australia, so I figured why not write about it myself?
Personally, I love to read. Even online! It may seem strange to some people but I would prefer to read information over watching a video online. I feel as though in this day and age everything is too chaotic, which is why watching videos may literally give me a headache. I find that there is too much literal and metaphorical noise when we're online, which is why I find it nice to simply just read... and I hope others do too.
There is truly not much else to say about myself that is relevant to this blog. Along the way, I may not continue to use this blog or in a rare instance this blog may suddenly decide to blow up and gain a whole lot of followers. And honestly? I don't really care what happens either way, as long as I am happy with what I post and withhold an honest opinion, and that it does not change with the followers I have now or if one day I miraculously gain 1M.
I am born and raised in Melbourne, Australia and have always had a passion for reading and writing. My blog, which I've had for many years, is a way that I can express myself in my free time. As I am writing this, the content I post on my blog runs around the theme of beauty and lifestyle, but naturally I expect this to change in the future. I hope that the more I post, the more I will find my muse.
I started off my blog with random polluting thoughts which then blossomed into a passion of researching beauty products and their ethics in terms of animal testing. I was vegan / vegetarian for a number of years, but have since returned to eating like an omnivore (hence why I don't post about veganism anymore). I could go on and on about why I switched lifestyles, but to keep it clean and short I'm just going to say that my health was deteriorating without a balanced diet.
In recent years, I have been reviewing beauty subscription boxes, which at first seemed like a waste of my own time, but I do find it somewhat relaxing to go through each item I receive each month. I like to write about these boxes because there wasn't much content I could find online myself on subscription boxes in Australia, so I figured why not write about it myself?
Personally, I love to read. Even online! It may seem strange to some people but I would prefer to read information over watching a video online. I feel as though in this day and age everything is too chaotic, which is why watching videos may literally give me a headache. I find that there is too much literal and metaphorical noise when we're online, which is why I find it nice to simply just read... and I hope others do too.
There is truly not much else to say about myself that is relevant to this blog. Along the way, I may not continue to use this blog or in a rare instance this blog may suddenly decide to blow up and gain a whole lot of followers. And honestly? I don't really care what happens either way, as long as I am happy with what I post and withhold an honest opinion, and that it does not change with the followers I have now or if one day I miraculously gain 1M.
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