Project Pan // Introduction

Hello everyone!

Previously I have made posts on the concept of minimalism and since then I've always kept a side eye on the whole 'project pan' idea. What is project pan you ask? It is growing in popularity in the beauty community and consists of isolating a few products to use and eventually finish or 'hit pan' on, hence the title.

This whole concept got me thinking about the unnecessary amount of makeup and skincare items I currently own. I have listed how many makeup products I owned in July here however, since then I have sadly purchased a few more products out of plain habit.

Now I don't want to offend people that may have more makeup products than me, but I do think I have reached a point in my collection where I have enough products to last me until I'm literally 92 years old (if I ever reach that age). Before I show you what I've been subconsciously trying to use up, I want to address why my makeup (and skincare, and perfume) collection got out of hand in the first place:


I must admit, as a beauty addict it is very hard to resist when new collections are released. On the daily I receive around 12+ e-mails from beauty companies boasting about their new launches mainly from very obscure (and expensive) brands that do not appeal to me. However, the way they lay out the e-mail makes it look like you need these products to function, which is why I decided to unsubscribe from many companies in the first place.

It is natural for any company to send promotional e-mails because at the end of the day they are trying to make a sale. However, not only do they take up too much space in my inbox (and in my head) they are also very good at persuading people into buying things they don't really need.


I have a feeling that one of the stupid reasons as to why I have so many products in the first place is because I was simply trying to fill out my drawers which hold my products in the first place. Instead of seeing my drawers as half-full, I saw them as half-empty which ties in nicely with my pessimistic attitude.


A lot of the time when I would be buying something new I would argue with myself "Well I have 5 liquid foundations at home, but I do not have a cream to powder foundation". I thought that I was being good for not buying another product that I already own when at the end of the day it still lies under 'foundations' thus making it harder for me to use my products up in the first place.


I feel as though the main reason why a lot of girls nowadays are into makeup are because of YouTubers. It is really hard not to come across a video nowadays that isn't sponsored and even if it isn't, a lot of YouTubers are posting favourites videos and what not which create a hype around a certain product, concept, trend, etc. I would be lying if I said that I had never bought something that was recommended on YouTube, as a matter of fact I think a lot of the products I have purchased have been recommended to me by an influencer.

And that is not necessarily a bad thing! It cuts the amount of time spent researching a product in half and often you can even receive a discount code too. However, I feel as though it is stupid to buy so many products from YouTube because most of the time these influencers are being sent these products for free in the first place. I think it is slightly sad that we have to spend our hard earned money on items that we can barely afford (especially in Australia) just because influencers we love have talked about them. I'm not necessarily saying that what YouTubers are doing is wrong, at the end of the day it is their job, but I do think that economically we should be re-considering how much we spend on makeup items because most of the time splurging on these items does not fit our lifestyles.

I would have to work almost 6 hours just to afford an $100 eyeshadow palette. Think about that.

Now, those are just a few reasons as to why my makeup collection has gone out of hand and I'm sure a lot of you out there can relate in some way, shape or form. Below are some products that have been sitting near my desk that I have been trying to use up.

The perfume by Britney Spears 'Curious' is not my favourite, at all. I've embarrassingly have owned it since I was really young. Like... too young to remember. A lot of people would say 'throw it out' but I want to persist and make it a lesson for myself (and you readers) that some products we own can last a very long time.

HONORARY MENTIONS: I've recently used up the following products in the past 4 months:
- Rebelle by Rihanna (perfume)
- Flora by Gucci (perfume, read how many perfumes I have here!)
- Play it Lovely by Playboy (perfume)
- Fantasy by Brittney Spears (perfume)
I've also used up a few (maybe 3) makeup items but I was too dumb not to document it.

You may be wondering what is in the Colourpop eyeshadow container, it is actually my Essano hand moisturiser that I was trying to use up MONTHS ago. I think it might have been June / July and I'm glad to say that it is November and that I've officially used it all up. Yippee! If you do own a Colourpop eyeshadow, I may make a post on how to up-cycle the containers like I have in the picture. It is actually very practical, especially for hand creams if you want to take it on the go.

The Essence lipgloss is also a product that I have owned for much too long. I think I bought it when I was starting high-school... yikes. Ever since I've taken this photo though I have essentially finished my lipgloss! I achieved this (wow what a sad achievement) by taking out the plastic stopper in the tube with a pair of tweezers. Also, if someone does have concerns about the age of my makeup products don't be stressed, I haven't received any allergic reactions or funny smells from them... yet.

My Nivea lip balm is all I really need to make it through the day (although I've recently been enjoying the Paw Paw ointment from my September Bellabox much more). The raspberry rosé scent is definitely one of my staples, and I'm happy that there is no plastic with the product, just a nifty tin (although the packaging for it does have a little plastic).

Lastly, and not least, is the Seacret Cuticle Oil that was actually stashed away in one of my bathroom drawers. I haven't been using this as religiously as I should, but I do highly recommend it to hydrate your nails and cuticles especially if you have dry cuticles like me. I know that this was a relatively wordy post but I do highly recommend going through your makeup drawers, throwing out what you know you can't use, and stashing some items to remind yourself to use up. Sometimes I feel a bit desperate when I try and use my products only because I have too much at the moment. But I always remind myself that at least now I know better and will not be spending my money at Sephora or Mecca every time I get a pay check.

Thanks for reading!

Amanda xx


  1. Such a cool idea to reuse Colourpop eyeshadows as mini pots! I always need extra containers for hand creams or lip balms or just to put the last dregs of something so I can throw away the entire tube/jar.

    I had 2 of those Nivea lip balms that I never thought I'd use up but I finally did it after literally years. I guess a concerted effort (almost daily use for months on end) does produce results :p I go through phases in terms of trying to reign in my makeup/beauty purchases ... I agree that being subscribed to multiple mailing lists and constantly watching YouTube does not help at all!

  2. Thanks so much for your comment :) I highly recommend getting a Z Palette to depot Colourpop eyeshadows in, and keeping the containers for travel purposes! I swear I used up my products faster when I knew where everything was.

    And as good as the Nivea lip balms are, the little tins last for way too long! I may just stick to the wind-up Nivea lip balms (despite how I'm trying not to use so much plastic) because I think dipping my finger in the tin is sort of gross and a hassle haha.


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