Last Week of Holidays // Talk

In my last post I mentioned that I cut my hair off. Well, call me crazy but I spent over 4 hours trimming it right below my chin... no regrets!!
I really have no emotion towards my hair whatsoever. My friends are going to kill me.
My hair went from down to my hips to tom-boy lesbian cut (I'M NOT LESBIAN JUST PUTTIN IT OUT THERE)

Oh, and I finished Allegiant.


I just want to start the whole Divergent series all over again, but the experience won't be the same :(

I started watching Game of Thrones. Yes, I know. I'm delayed with everything agrhegrjherhe (bad habit of mine..I'm always glued to watching the same tv shows).
I've been told that the first season isn't all that good, and even though I haven't seen season 2, I think I have to agree.
It applies with every tv show out there, the first season is always the worst.. WHO THE HELL DO YOU TRUST?!?!

Sorry if this post was blunt, but I've just been so caught up with my life that my blog started to become the last thing on my mind.
I find that funny, because I usually have nothing going on in my life! (*highfives myself*)

I will however continue to post, even though no-one cares
I'm not even sure what I'm trying to do with this blog anymore
I'll step my game up by writing a proper blog post (It'll be posted on time, have pictures, be interesting)

SONG I'VE BEEN OBSESSED WITH THIS WEEK ~ Whole Again - Atomic Kitten *laughs*


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