Odds // Poem

The lotto,
The odds,
One in seven million.

More likely to get hit by a meteor,
Than to hit the jackpot.

Or become the U.S President.
Trump chose wisely.


Side note - Yes, I know these aren't really structured poems (barely poems at all), they are more like little anecdotes or summaries. My boyfriend and I were talking about the ridiculousness of winning the lotto, and discussing the statistics behind it; really interesting stuff.

P.S - I know that I am Australian, but to be completely honest U.S politics are more interesting as it covers a more widespread population in comparison to Australia. I, for one, am really outraged that Trump is President and I feel like the lesson we can all learn here is that old habits die hard. 

It is extremely sad that pretty much half of the U.S look up to a sexist, racist, cold-blooded man.

After studying the novella 'Heart of Darkness' intensely for Year 12 Literature this year, I am saddened that racism, a century later, is still an issue.


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