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At this stage it is around three weeks into 2019, and to be completely honest I couldn't be bothered with making new year's resolutions at all. I felt great with this decision because I thought to myself 'Hey, I'm going against the grain. That is a good thing right?'.

Soon I began to realise why people make resolutions in the first place. Weeks have passed and I still haven't changed a single thing about myself. I'm still reading the same book I started around May 2018 and I still haven't gotten back into my work-out streak I abruptly ended in November.

My excuse? Well to be honest, my life has been flipped upside down. I've had family members pass away as well as my dog and cat all within the span of a few months. And I even had to deal with my first ever breakup. It actually does seem like a pretty valid excuse now that I think about it. But you can only go for so long until you realise your life has fallen off the tracks.

So anyway, here are some goals I want to reach before the end of 2019:

1. Look after myself

My daily morning ritual consists of me waking up in a cold sweat for sleeping in for far too long (I'm talking 9-11 hours sprinkled with numerous naps), getting up and making instant coffee with full cream milk (despite my lactose intolerance) and lying back in my bed and watching TV until I get bored.

I do this every single day. No joke. Ideally, I would want to change it to the following:

Wake up at an ideal time according to a sleeping schedule (already this seems far too ambitious), make lemon water to get rid of toxins (I used to do this all the time and I loved it), also make tea (try to minimise my coffee intake as it makes me far too jittery) and walk the dogs in the morning when it is still cool outside.

I feel like by going for a walk in the morning not only does it get all the cardio out of the way, but it also increases my mood drastically and makes me sleep better at night.

There are also other rituals I need to get into the habit of like:
- meditating
- looking after my skin
- cleaning my room more often (and minimising my spending)

It just feels nice once you get into the habit of something. But I also need to remember to start with one ritual at a time so that I'm not overwhelmed.

2. Get my gosh darned license

At this stage I am 19 which is still young, but then again it means that I should already be on my green P's. I have my test in 4 days (omg holy balls) and I am low key extremely nervous. I also hate 18 year old Amanda for not driving enough with my dad and leaving it on the back burner for so long.

I kind of have my doubts to be completely honest. The driving test only goes for 30 mins but I usually do not cope well under test conditions, and I already know that I won't be able to sleep sufficiently the night before.

I've spoken to all my friends for tips on the test, read a million forums of people's experiences with it to the point where I've gone completely crazy and have had a nightmare almost every night about it. I've gotten to the point where I'm just like 'Shutup and drive' (Rihanna if you didn't get the reference).

The pros of being able to drive by myself are through the roof so let me just emphasise how good it'll be by making a list:

- I'll be able to take myself to and from work (no longer having to ask my family, catch an Uber or walk)
- I'll be able to work more because I don't have to disturb my parents
- I could get a new and better job that are a little further away because now I can drive
- If I felt like going to the beach by myself I could totally just do it
- I'd be able to see my friends more often
- Goodbye dreaded public transport!
- I get to play my music in the car
- I'd go to uni more often because I can drive to the station

Those are just a few pros. I hope I pass my license first go and if not, I plan to get it before February ends if I'm not cursed with the long wait times for the bookings. Wish me luck!

3. Try to be more happy

It is not a simple task to be honest. I suffer from depression and anxiety so being genuinely happy is harder than it should be. There are things that make me happy like watching a good movie, listening to music, reading a book but I feel that they only make me temporarily happy.

I want to find something that'll make me more happy. Like maybe trying a new hobby or picking up a sport so that I can make new friends. Just something new honestly. I mean I've always wanted to start swimming again. There is nothing stopping me from doing so except for myself. But it would be nice to find a friend to do with it so I'm not alone.

I'm going to end this post here. My brain is on fire as it is currently 45 degrees celsius! I know this was a very personal post but I thought it may help some people out.

Thanks for reading!

- A.S


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